Daily 5 Chapter 4

Happy 4th of July everyone! I took my daughter on a Patriotic Field trip to Pearl Harbor this week and wanted to post about it so here is the link if you are interested:)

Today we are sharing out about Chapter 4 in our Daily 5 bookstudy.  The hosts for this week are

Laura from

Jennifer from
First Grade Blue Skies

Tessa from

Chapter 4 takes you through the steps to Launch the Daily 5 routine in your class.  It is a process that takes time and practice.  The sisters outline what should take place and even give you an outline as to how to present the lessons.


Read The Words

Read The Pictures

Retell A Book You Have Already Read

The final one I had never thought to teach the students, but they do this on their own all the time.  I read daily to my students and after every book I read they all want to read it themselves.  This is such a great way for them to review the book and gets them to read a story they might not have chosen on their own.

By making an anchor chart of these ways to read it keeps your students, especially your reluctant learners on task. Stop by Laura's blog for a great freebie on this;)

After discussing these different ways and modeling for the students, it's time to start a new Anchor Chart                                                     


Why do we read to ourselves?  What does it look like? What is the teacher doing?
I like that they remind you to add "READ THE WHOLE TIME"

The students really enjoy modeling the behaviors of correct Read To Self  behavior and incorrect behavior.  I didn't realize I had such great actors in my class when we did this activity!  Even my perfect students had to giggle at the outlandish behavior that we should never see during reading time.

I discussed this in the last post and how surprised I was that we could not make it to the 3 minutes.  Kids were up and out of their seats in two minutes or less!!  It is really powerful to stop the students and bring them back to the carpet to discuss what happened.  They WILL want to do it again and they will do better. 


Basically you continue the same lesson  and keep building stamina.  Reviewing the charts and modeling behavior is the key.  This year I felt that I just didn't do enough practice and stamina building.  I think my kids did great, but it was already the end of the year when I began implementing.  I am happy to be able to start right away this year.

The sisters give you a basic outline of what your first few lesson should look like.  I am a visual learner and made a little planning guide to help me remember what I need to cover and review. You can click on the picture to grab this in Google Docs.

Next week we begin Chapter 5-Read To Someone and Listening To Reading

Our hosts will be Mechelle from Barrow's Hodgepodge, Kelli from Castle and Crayons, and Melissa from Dilly Dabbles.

Don't forget to link up your blog post below and link back to your hosts.


  1. Thanks for the outline! I love the 3 ways to read a book! My students are always so quick to tell me "I can't read!" and these 3 ways will prove successful for everyone! I visited Pearl Harbor during my 1st trip to Hawaii. It was very fascinating! What an educational trip for your daughter!

    Learning is a Journey
    Polka Dot Parlor

    1. Thank you Bethany. I love all the little things I find from the Daily 5 that I know will make a difference:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'll try this again :) I too am very visual! Lists and outlines are important to my sanity!
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

    1. I know Amy! I feel like I will need a whole new planning format just for my Literacy Block!!

  4. Thanks so much for the outline! So helpful to have that right in front of you. I haven't thought to teach how to retell a book a book either but this year I definitely will. Thanks for linking up!


    1. Thank you for hosting Laura! You have a great post this week:)

  5. Thanks for the outline! That is really helpful. I think the modeling piece is the part that needs to be most diligent, even though I despise having to model something when I'm in a class. :) I posted some questions for those currently using the D5 on my blog. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  6. Hi Corinna! Thanks for all the great information for the Daily 5. I have been enjoying reading all of the posts from everyone. ... LOVE the Pearl Harbor trip!! Thanks for the pics and info.


    1. Thank you Krista. It has been really great for me to read and reflect on what I will do in my clas this year.

  7. Terrific thoughts! It's amazing how different groups of students have such a difference in their stamina! Hope your group this year can get to 3 minutes the first day!

    1. It will be interesting to see how this class differes.

  8. It is so important not to get frustrated when the students don't have the stamina to read. I remember reading to my son--at first we each would read pages--then the pages got longer, now he can read for hours at a time. His stamina took time!

    1. I agree, some kids take much longer to build up.


Mahalo Nui Loa For Commenting!!

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