Night Creature Update

Aloha friends!  I know it's not October yet, but it is one of my favorite months!  So many fun activities and ideas with Halloween and Fall that it is hard what to decide to do.

In science our standards for 2nd quarter include teaching about habitats.  The Hawaii State Standards include:

Content Area: Science
Grade / Course: 2
Quarter: 2
The Benchmark Map is developed with the following premises:
· All benchmarks for the grade level/course will be achieved in a school year.
· Major understandings are the big generalizations for the topic/concept.
 Italicized benchmarks are taught and assessed in more than one quarter.
Big Idea(s) / Major Understanding(s): Students will understand that...
Different habitats support different organisms.

Habitats are part of an ecosystem.

Animals depend on plants and other animals as part of a process called a “food chain.” Food chains combine to form food.
HCPS III Benchmarks (Click the benchmark code for a recommended materials report) :
 2.1.1Scientific Inquiry
Develop predictions based on observations
 2.2.1Unifying Concepts and Themes
Describe changes that have occurred in society as a result of new technologies
· 2.3.1Interdependence
Describe how animals depend on plants and animals
· 2.5.1Unity and Diversity
Identify distinct environments and the different kinds of organisms each environment supports

I love teaching this concept and my kids love learning about animals.  So last year I created a unit to include all of these skills and more. Click here to take you to the original post {HERE}

Students love learning about Nocturnal animals so I decided to put a twist on it.  I created resources to teach about Nocturnal animals in a variety of habitats.  I have covered desert, ocean, woodlands, rainforest and pond.  For the last few weeks I have been updating this unit and it now includes all of this.

I also wanted to integrate into my Daily 5 and Math centers so I also added in the following centers.

Food Chains

Animal Classification Game

There is so much included now and I feel like have all my bases covered with this unit.  There are 140 pages of ideas and resources. If you have already purchased this just download again to check out all the new items.  I have also put this on sale this weekend in my TpT store

If you are interested in winning a copy stop back tomorrow for a fun giveaway that I will be having with some of my wonderful Hawaiian Bloggy friends!

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Mahalo Nui Loa For Commenting!!

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