Workin' It Wednesday Summer Kick Off

Aloha my sweet friends!  I am so happy to be relaxing on my summer break.  Well, I don't know if relaxing is the word, yet.  I have been a busy body since school ended on Friday.  My internal alarm clock is still going off at 5 am!

I am excited to start back with my Workin' It Wednesday linky party!

I wanted to have a linky during the summer where we could share about the fun things we are doing for ourselves.  Post anything you want about how you are "Workin' It" this  summer.  Workouts, foods, fashion and beauty.  Some of my favorite topics!  If you don't have a blog you can join in on the fun on Instagram and Twitter with #workinitwednesday.

This summer I am literally Workin' It because I have started a new job!  This is a really fun job though. I am an official Jamberry consultant!  

I have become obsessed with having cute nails and giving my daughters fancy fingers as well!

Each of these pics are my nails!  Who would have guessed I could do this myself?

I  have really gotten the hang of applying them and making them last.  My nails have grown so much and are much stronger.  If you haven't heard of Jamberry Nails here is a little info.

Basically these are stickers for your nails.  You apply heat and pressure to activate and they last for up to 2 weeks.  My daughter is only 12 and look how well they stayed!
These are perfect for my busy lifestyle and have been ocean and surf tested by me personally!

So in a nutshell I will be Workin' It this summer by making sure everyone I know has the cutest nails in town!  I already have a few friends who will be hosting parties and getting lots of free goodies and to top it all off I get paid to have fancy nails.  Best summer job ever!

I would love to have you host a party with me this summer.  I know I live in Hawaii, but did you know you can party online?  Yup, you can invite friends via Facebook.  Contact me if your interested by clicking on the picture above.

If you are not quite sure what to think and would like to try a free sample then click this picture and I will get one out to you soon!

Okay enough about my new venture.  It's time to welcome my good friend:

I plan on having lots of long beach days reading, soaking up the sun and of course surfing.

To celebrate I have decided to kick off my Workin' It Wednesday party with a fun Giveaway!

Some of my sweet bloggy friends and I are going to get you prepped and beautified for summer with some fantastic goodies!

I am giving away a $25 gift card to Jamberry, my Beach Bucks pack and Tropical Decor.

Angelia from Extra Special Teaching is giving away her Beach Days game.

Nicole from Teaching With Style is donating these fun Summery Centers.

Kristen from Easy Teaching Tools is giving her fun Surf's Up Centers.

Tamara from Mrs. Russell's room has generously donated First Grade Morning Work and Differentiated Fluency for Seconds.

Courtney from Teaching In Paradise is giving away a copy of her beautiful planner.

Daina from Sticky Notes and Glitter has these fun centers for you.

My sweet friend Shelley from The Write Stuff has this cute Nautical Decor pack.

Finally these lovely ladies have generously donated to give you a $40 gift card to Target! You can stock up on sunscreen and flip flops or get yourself a cute new beach bag.  

We want to have you stylin' on the beach, at the pool, in the park, or wherever your summer adventures take you!  Please fill out the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win! 

My sweet friend Kayde from Third Grade Notebook donated to the gift card just today! Please take a moment to head over and follow her TpT shop! {Click HERE}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab the linky button above and join me here each Wednesday!!  Mahalo!


  1. love those nails with the trees on them! :)

    1. Thank you, I wore them for our May Day program and got lots of compliments :)

  2. Wow! I have a local friend selling Jamberry but I never fully understood how easy it was and if it lasted. Thanks so much for your pictures and the giveaway!

  3. I am so ready for the beach! Happy VACATION! Wendy 1stgradefireworks

    1. I need some major downtime! Have a wonderful summer!

  4. I'm going to be busy this summer- but I'm adding in time to relax and do nice things for myself too- like getting a mani-pedi on a more regular basis!
    The Meek Moose

    1. My mornings will be my me time. I will be busy too running my daughters around to dance lessons and riding lessons!

  5. I am planning on doing lots of reading and sunbathing!

  6. I'm going to rest and get ready for school next year!

  7. Summer plans...... clean my basement.... move my college daughter...... get some blog stalkin' done..... :o)

  8. This is amazing! Thanks for the offer!
    Summer plans. . . SLO Training, relaxing, meeting with my team, a trip to Denver!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Moving up to the White Mountains of Arizona. Already went through EVERYTHING in my new classroom. Having a huge and hot (111°) garage sale Thursday and Friday of most of my teaching stuff, since there's so much in my new classroom already, and I don't have to move it up from the valley. Then enjoying the cooler summer in our new house along with a couple little trips to Vegas and San Fran thrown in.
    Ruth Miyagawa

    1. Sounds like a great summer Ruth, except for the 111 degrees!!

  11. My plans are to sleep, sleep, and more sleep!!!

    1. I would love to but unfortunately I have a four year that will not allow sleeping in. LOL !

  12. My summer plans are to move into a new classroom and organize my files.

    Smiling and Shining in Second Grade

  13. I spend every Tuesday and Thursday, and most weekends at a friend's pool! I am also heading to South Dakota for a family vacation with all of my children, my siblings, and their extended families!

  14. This summer I plan on spending a lot of time with my kids, creating some new things for TPT, and heading to Vegas!! Thank you for such a fun giveaway!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  15. My summer plans are just to hang out and relax!!! We are taking a vacation to the beach in July and I can't wait! Thanks for hosting an awesome giveaway!!


  16. Enjoy having the whole day to do whatever I want- relax, exercise, hang out with friends, even school work. ;) Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  17. I plan on spending time with my son (okay and read 5 new teacher resource books from Amazon, take 2 online courses, and completely redo my math and reading curriculums - at least I'm being honest!) Heehee

  18. Love all of the prizes! They look fabulous. Thank you all for providing these great prizes.

  19. I am finishing up my reading endorsement ad enjoying my family this summer:) Thanks for the fun giveaway...fingers and toes crossed.

  20. I'm teaching all summer! Summer School at my elementary, Spinning, Pilates and YogaFit at the Gym! Thanks for gathering all these fun prizes for your giveaway!

  21. Summer plans are full of relaxing and moving into my new apartment! Then shortly after headed to Florida for some much needed vacation time!

    So excited for this giveaway! Fingers crossed!!!

  22. I am moving schools and apartments so my summer will be full of boxes and unpacking!

  23. Taking a technology class. Then resting and getting ready for the new year. Have an awesome summer!

  24. I plan on relaxing since I am not teaching summer school and planning for the next year.

  25. I have a conference later in June, and a mini vacation to Oklahoma planned in July to spend time with family. What a fun linky! I'll have to link up next week! :)
    Thriving in 3rd

  26. I'm going to Universal Studios with my family. My 13 year old son and I are SUPER excite to go on the Harry Potter rides and buy ourselves a wand!! Then I will be busy making new centers for my classroom :)

  27. I don't relax well so I'm going to work on that this summer! And of course tutor and attend Nerd Camp and a conference with Donalynn Miller!

  28. I hope we get to go to California.

  29. Summer...trying to keep my mind off of the upcoming school year and enjoy my 3 girls!!!!

  30. I plan on relaxing and spending time with my family.

  31. My summer plans are to re-do our school room, prepare for my 1st grandbaby and spend time reading with my Kinder boo who is getting so good at it. I do have some researching and creating to do as well for a new reading program.

  32. Sleep, play and spend as much fun times with my kids as possible to pack in :)

  33. I am going to take some professional development classes, relax, hang with my family, and go to Disney World!!

  34. I am relaxing, selling some of my "stuff", organizing and taking some classes for my teaching certificate renewal.

  35. I plan to relax and I plan to go through my school things to get rid of things I haven't used this year!

  36. I run a tutoring business so I will be supervising that. But, unfortunately I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I had the surgery, and they got all of the cancer, but I have to have 33 days of radiation, so that pretty much takes care of my summer for me. :)

    1. Awww, Cecile that is so scary! I am praying your radiation goes well and you recover quickly!

  37. i plan to weed through my files. we are getting new LA an math series, so i hope to look through those to get a head start on next year!

    1. We are also getting a new series! The Wonders program. There is so much there, I don't want to think about it yet!

  38. I plan on relaxing and spending time with my new nephew who should be here next week!


  39. Rest & relax before teaching starts back up in August!

  40. I have to think of fun ways to save money. Lots of local parks, swimming and hanging out at home!

  41. love the nails!! I have been thinking about trying out Jamberry nails :)

  42. My summer plans include reading and spending time with my husband and son! I'm dying to trying Jamberry nails so sent a sample request, too!

  43. I love Jamberry nails! I am actually going to a party tonight! This summer will be spent relaxing and spending time with my family. Maybe I'll get some stuff done for school too. :)

  44. I love the Jamberry Nails! Might have to try some this summer! I don't think we are going on vacation this summer (saving for 2 in college next year), I am not tutoring, nor am I doing any major summer reading. My plan is to work on myself, my walk with God, and soak up the days with my children! Time keeps slipping away!

  45. I am taking some Professional development classes, taking my kids to Disney World (we practically live there), moving, and have family visiting.

  46. Heading back to Asia during the summer to spend some time with family and friends!

  47. I'm not making plans! It's summer and I'm taking it one day at a time!

  48. Great giveaway!! I've still got 14 school days to go, but I'm hoping to travel with my husband after that! I love the Jamberry Nails, but have yet to try them! Maybe I'll add that to my summer To-Do list! :)

    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom

  49. I plan on playing with my three amazing kids this summer as much as possible and cooking dinner for my hard working husbands at least 5 times a week. I can't go two days without thinking about school so I plan on becoming an expert on the Daily 5 and revamping the organization of my classroom...oh yeah AND I'm changing grade levels this year from Kinder back to 2nd grade. I will be very busy, but this job is my life and I love my life!

  50. I just ordered my first Jamberry nails last month and love them! I plan on staying home and spending time with my kiddos all summer!

  51. Most of my summer will be spent getting ready for my wedding this fall. I'll also be vacationing with my family and hopefully creating things for TpT and reading....I have so much reading to catch up on!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I plan of relaxing but creating products for my classroom/TPT store! :)
    I also hope to collaborate with more teacher bloggers!


  54. No plans whatsoever! Love it!

  55. Wow! Great giveaway! I'm glad I "got off my butt" and came by for a visit:). I've never heard of Jamberry but it sounds like a lot of fun. Your nails are super pretty.
    My plans for the summer are to train for a fast 8k race in the fall, to read LOTS and to start cooking again cause I'll have a brand spanking new kitchen in three weeks!


Mahalo Nui Loa For Commenting!!

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